Wednesday, September 29, 2004

This Just in: Stephen Harper is an Asshat

Just when I was sitting around lamenting that I can't participate in the American presidential election... it looks like Canadians could be subjected to another federal election of our very own sooner rather than later. The reason? Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper is an asshat.

You see, the last Canadian federal election (you know, the one we had about three months ago?) ended with the Liberal party in a minority government position. This basically means that if all the other parties got together in the House of Commons, they could vote down anything the Liberals tried to pass... including the upcoming Throne Speech which essentially lays out the government's plans for the fall session of the House. Now, if that were to happen, it means that the government is automatically deposed, and another federal election is called immediately. To repeat, Stephen Harper is an asshat.


Blogger al said...

You should pick up this month's The Walrus magazine, there's a pretty long-ish article about Harper's political advisor who is currently planning on seizing power in a bloodless coup soon. Sort of our own Karl Rove.

4:39 PM  

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