Wednesday, September 22, 2004

American Government Has No Plans to Reinstate the Draft... For Now

The man with whom I live in sin is an American citizen, and it tears me up inside... you have no idea. Nevertheless, I still get worried when I hear murmurings from the American government about reinstating a draft. Luckily, that's not gonna happen, according to the Selective Service System -- the US government agency in charge of keeping track of young men aged 18 to 25 (read: the Draft Board):

Notwithstanding recent stories in the news media and on the Internet, Selective Service is not getting ready to conduct a draft for the U.S. Armed Forces -- either with a special skills or regular draft. Rather, the Agency remains prepared to manage a draft if and when the President and the Congress so direct. This responsibility has been ongoing since 1980 and is nothing new. Further, both the President and the Secretary of Defense have stated on more than one occasion that there is no need for a draft for the War on Terrorism or any likely contingency, such as Iraq. Additionally, the Congress has not acted on any proposed legislation to reinstate a draft. Therefore, Selective Service continues to refine its plans to be prepared as is required by law, and to register young men who are ages 18 through 25.

Well, that certainly should put our minds at ease... provided, of course, that we're able to overlook the fact that right now there are two bills before both the American Senate and House of Representatives which aim at reinstating a military draft (Senate Bill No. 89 and House of Representatives Bill No. 163, respectively).

On a related note: thanks to the Smart Border Agreement, hauling ass up here to Canada isn't an option for those trying to avoid being forced into military service. My, how times have changed.

Here's some more bedtime reading for you: the abstract from a Pentagon memo regarding the reinstatement of a military draft (scheduled for June 2005), alegedly obtained by a member of the Whitehouse press corps.


Blogger al said...

I doubt there'd be a real push for a draft, since it would result in rich republicans' kids being sent to get shot at. Better to keep the unemployment rate high enough to make the military the only option for poor kids.

5:44 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

Naw... rich Republicans' kids will bypass getting drafted the same way they always have. All they have to do is get a desk job with the Department of Defence that's deemed "vital" and they're safe.

7:22 PM  

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